This is a baby blanket I made for Jillanne's baby, Jordan back in March of 2005.

In April, I made a couple of hair barrettes for Momma Goddard.

This was actually the first thing I started working on when I began crocheting, but it took me forever to finish. Agnes was bugging me all the time, saying I was putting her last... I finally gave it to her for her birthday in August.

So here is the finally finished hat, boots and jacket set I made for Trey.

I made this blanket for my Grandma Hazel's birthday last year, it perfectly matches the stripes on her couch.

For the Crochetville Fall Purse Swap. The pattern is a Lion Brand pattern.

This is the purse I received from my partner, Sue. Isn't it awesome? I love it!!

Scarves all around for Christmas gifts last year... This one was for Cousin Lauren.

This scarf was for Cousin Alex.

Mom's scarf

Mom wearing her scarf

Sister Mary wearing her scarf, and Mom's too.

Sister Amy wearing her scarf

Scarf for Suzy - I didn't get a pic of her wearing it!

Scarf/belt for Sam

Scarf for Tina

Squares for the pastel swap

January square for the 12 inch Crochetville 2006 Square Swap.

This was the alternate square I made for January

This is the square that I received in January.

I made these slippers for Grandma Hazel's birthday this year.

February's square

February square received.

The purse I made for the Spring Purse Swap, from Moda Dea Tickertape. It was so much fun to make!

The purse Melissa made for me in the purse swap. Isn't it the most adorable thing ever??
So of course I'm working on a hundred more things, the flower swap, my March square, baby blankets, slippers for my other Grandma, a blanket for myself, scarves for Amy and Daniel that they requested, etc, etc, etc!