Friday, May 29, 2015

100 Days of Making: Day 50

#day50 if #100daysofmaking: I technically didn't do any making today. I did yesterday but forgot to take a picture so I didn't post. I worked for about an hour and a half on my son's Sweet Georgia Pineapple Express leg warmers and over did it, my third day in a row of knitting. My hand started to hurt and this morning when I woke, it was a little bit weak and sore. So today is a rest day but in a search for some yarn that someone on Rav asked for, I found three missing WIPs! My Kingscot Cardigan by Norah Gaughn ( and my Phoenix and the Carpet by Janine Le Cras(, both circa 2011, plus my Scylla socks by Fiona Bennett ( which I started a few months ago and lost track of. I had thought I lost all of these projects but they were in the bottom of a yarn bin. My two old projects have all the yarn, needles and (beads) together but I have no clue where the patterns are. Not a problem for Kingscot, it's in my Rav library and I simple re downloaded it. The Phoenix Shawl was a mystery KAL from The Unique Sheep and I'm sure the pattern clues were received by email on an old computer that is long gone. I went to just repurchase the pattern and it's quite pricey, $10 - which is a lot for a pattern I paid for once. I emailed the designer and asked if she might give me a discount on repurchasing the pattern, she can see from my page that I bought the kit from the company during the actual KAL, you can't fake the date I originally began the project page. If she doesn't give me a discount, I guess I will just have to buy it but may not for some time as I have plenty to work on right now.

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